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The custody service is one of the foundations of well-organized financial instrument operations.

At RBA, custody is not just the storage of financial instruments, but also a wide range of value-added services. We provide professional care for all domestic and international financial assets that you have invested in or plan to invest in!

Tailor-made rješenja

Individualan klijentu usmjeren pristup

RBA internetsko bankarstvo

Pregled financijskih instrumenata na računu klijenta i transakcija koje čekaju namiru 24/7 putem internet bankarstva

Custody news service

Dostava ključnih, aktualnih novosti s domaćeg tržišta te iz regije i svijeta

Tailor-made solutions

A client-focused individual approach

RBA internet banking

Overview of financial instruments in the client's account and pending settlement transactions available 24/7 via internet banking

Custody news service

Delivery of key, up-to-date news from the domestic market, as well as from the region and the world

More about the custody service

The custody service is intended for all domestic and international legal and natural persons.

Financial instruments in the custodial RBA account are your property; they do not become part of the custodian's assets nor are they included in the liquidation or bankruptcy estate!

Standard custody operations include:

  • Fast and efficient settlement of domestic and international financial instruments without administrative barriers on a single custody account
  • Storage of all assets (domestic and international financial instruments, cash) on the same custodial account
  • Monitoring and execution of corporate actions related to domestic and foreign assets
  • Settlement of tax obligations and activities related to tax refunds
  • Regular daily and monthly reporting to investors on the balance and changes in the custody account
  • Discretion in account management (principle of confidentiality)

Third-party funds

At Raiffeisen Bank, you can purchase shares in foreign UCITS investment funds managed by Raiffeisen Kapitalanlage Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Here you can read additional information about investing in foreign investment funds. 

Fondovi treće strane

U Raiffesen banci možete kupiti udjele u inozemnim investicijskim UCITS fondovima.

Kako bi inozemni investicijski fondovi mogli nuditi svoje udjele u Republici Hrvatskoj, isti trebaju biti registrirani pri Hrvatskoj agenciji za nadzor financijskih usluga (HANFA).

Osim registracije,  društvo za upravljanje UCITS fondovima mora osigurati:

  • Provođenje isplata vlasnicima udjela u UCITS fondovima
  • Izdavanje i otkup udjela u UCITS fondovima
  • Pristup dokumentaciji vezanoj za fondove i komunicirati sve bitne dokumente i informacije ulagateljima iz RH koji su kupili udjele u UCITS fondovima
  • Rješavanje pritužbi ulagatelja u skladu s člankom 63. Zakona o otvorenim investicijskim fondovima s javnom ponudom.

Jedan od preduvjeta za registraciju u RH je angažiranje platnog i informacijskog agenta. Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. pruža usluge platnog i informacijskog agenta za UCITS fondove pod upravljanjem društva:

Popis svih inozemnih fondova registriranih u RH dostupni su na

Kontaktirajte nas
Za kupnju i prodaju udjela, kontaktirajte RBA brokere na adresu ili na brojeve telefona: 01 4495 066, 01 4495 082

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