MAKE YOUR SECURITY HAPPEN: UNIQA Insurance with Credit Cards
Protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances with UNIQA insurance with RBA credit cards. Whether you want to travel carefree with travel health insurance or get additional insurance against the inability of paying off credit card debt – you can agree everything at the bank’s branch offices.
Travel health insurance
Coverage of medical services during travel abroad
Flight or baggage delay insurance
Coverage in case of flight delay or loss/delay of luggage for flights abroad
What is covered by the travel health insurance policy?
Travel health insurance also includes insurance in case of death due to an accident. Premium, package price is 13.27 EUR per year. Read all about the conditions and coverage of travel health insurance and insurance in case of death due to an accident in the Bank’s Credit Card User Insurance Terms and Conditions.
Što je sve uključeno u policu osiguranja?
Pročitajte više o pokrićima putnog zdravstvenog osiguranja i osiguranja za slučaj smrti uslijed nezgode ovdje. Svi uvjeti u cijelosti su navedeni u UNIQA Uvjetima za osiguranje korisnika kreditnih kartica banke.
Osiguranje plaćanja duga po RBA kreditnoj kartici
Ako ugovorite UNIQA osiguranje od nemogućnosti plaćanja duga po RBA kreditnoj kartici, osiguranje pokriva cjelokupno dugovanje uključujući nedospjele rate.