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MAKE YOUR SECURITY HAPPEN: UNIQA Insurance with Credit Cards

Protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances with UNIQA insurance with RBA credit cards. Whether you want to travel carefree with travel health insurance or get additional insurance against the inability of paying off credit card debt – you can agree everything at the bank’s branch offices.

Travel health insurance

Coverage of medical services during travel abroad

Flight or baggage delay insurance

Coverage in case of flight delay or loss/delay of luggage for flights abroad

What is covered by the travel health insurance policy?

Travel health insurance also includes insurance in case of death due to an accident. Premium, package price is 13.27 EUR per year. Read all about the conditions and coverage of travel health insurance and insurance in case of death due to an accident in the Bank’s Credit Card User Insurance Terms and Conditions.

Što je sve uključeno u policu osiguranja?

Majka osigurava dijete u autu

Health insurance

  • costs of medical services during travel and stay abroad and required medical treatment up to a maximum of 10,000 EUR per insurance year
  • dental procedures up to 150 EUR per trip, max 300 EUR per year of insurance
  • hospital allowances 25 EUR, and 50 EUR for Switzerland and the USA
  • medically required transportation of the insured to the nearest hospital or clinic up to 1,000 EUR
  • medically prescribed transportation of the insured person to the country up to 1,000 EUR

The coverage is activated after crossing the borders of the Republic of Croatia, with the condition that the longest duration is four uninterrupted weeks after crossing the border per one trip.

Mlada žena čeka ukrcavanje u avion

Air travel

  • coverage for every trip abroad by plane, provided that the plane ticket is paid for with an RBA card
  • necessary expenses in case of a flight delay of more than 4 hours or a flight delay that caused a missed connecting flight – up to 125 EUR per one trip, max up to 300 EUR during one insurance year (food, drinks, newspapers); if the flight is delayed more than 24 hours, the cost of overnight stay is also covered
  • costs caused by the lost or delayed luggage for more than 4 hours. Up to 50 EUR per trip (toiletries, replacement clothes), and if the luggage is delayed for more than 2 days, up to 350 EUR, max. up to 1,050 EUR during one insurance year)

Coverage for the same expenses of persons traveling with the insured person if those tickets were also paid for with the insured person’s RBA credit card.

Muškarac na vrhu planine

Insurance in case of death due to an accident

  • insurance for RBA Visa Gold credit card users amounts to 6,636.14 EUR
  • insurance for RBA Mastercard, Visa Classic and Visa IF credit card users amounts to 2,654.46 EUR

Pročitajte više o pokrićima putnog zdravstvenog osiguranja i osiguranja za slučaj smrti uslijed nezgode ovdje. Svi uvjeti u cijelosti su navedeni u UNIQA Uvjetima za osiguranje korisnika kreditnih kartica banke.

Osiguranje plaćanja duga po RBA kreditnoj kartici

Ako ugovorite UNIQA osiguranje od nemogućnosti plaćanja duga po RBA kreditnoj kartici, osiguranje pokriva cjelokupno dugovanje uključujući nedospjele rate.

Što je sve uključeno u policu osiguranja?

Osiguranje u slučaju smrti
Osiguranje u slučaju nastupa jedne od 11 teških bolesti
Osiguranje u slučaju boravka u bolnici dužeg od 15 dana uslijed nesretnog slučaja

Koliko se plaća premija osiguranja duga po kreditnoj kartici?

  • premija se obračunava mjesečno i iznosi 0,30% ukupne potrošnje po kartici na dan posljednjeg obračuna* odnosno 0,40 EUR mjesečno na svakih 132,72 EUR potrošenog iznosa
  • ako nema dugovanja po kartici i nedospjelih rata, premija osiguranja se ne plaća

*Osnovica za obračun premije je ukupni dospjeli i nedospjeli dug po kreditnoj kartici na dan mjesečnog obračuna, odnosno prema formuli za obračun premije: mjesečna premija = 0,30% x (novo stanje duga + nedospjele rate).

Pročitajte više o pokrićima osiguranja od nemogućnosti plaćanja duga na RBA kreditnoj kartici ovdje. Svi uvjeti u cijelosti su navedeni u UNIQA u Uvjetima za osiguranje korisnika kreditnih kartica banke.

UNIQA insurance – service availability

  • by phone +385 1 6324 200 from Monday to Friday from 8 to 18 and on Saturdays from 8 to 13
  • you can find additional information about products and services and how to report damage on the UNIQA osiguranje d.d. website
  • you can also check all information about your insurance policies on the free client portal

Schedule a meeting

Information marked with * is required.

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