Fixed-term savings

Fixed-term savings

Find out more

Saving is important

...with the amount and frequency of deposits left to you to decide according to your means!

Ostvarite do 2,5% kamate na štednju

POSEBNA PONUDA OD 3.6.2024. DO 31.8.2024. Ugovorite nenamjenski oročenu štednju u iznosu već od 3.000 eura ili 3.000 dolara, s ročnošću preko 6 ili 12 mjeseci i ostvarite fiksnu kamatnu stopu do 2,50%. Uvjeti posebne ponude vrijede samo za novosklopljene ugovore o oročenoj štednji u razdoblju trajanja posebne ponude. Pročitajte više o uvjetima posebne ponude.  


  • Choice of currency

    Choice of currency

    EUR or foreign currency - it is your choice!

  • Use of interest before expiry of the deposit term

    Use of interest before expiry of the deposit term

    The choice is yours - monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually!

  • Cash withdrawal or transfer into account

    Cash withdrawal or transfer into account

    On expiry of the deposit term, the interest accumulated or savings may be transferred your account or withdrawn in cash. 

Certificate of Paid Tax and Surtax for Savings

  • How to request the Certificate?
    • The issuance of the Certificate of Paid Tax and Surtax for Savings for the year 2023 can be requested in any of the following manners:
      - online by sending a request through the Contact form
      - by dialling RBA INFO telephone number 072 62 62 62, or
      - personally at any RBA Branch.
      After receiving your request for issuance, the Bank will deliver the Certificate to the address to which you receive your Account Statement.

More about fixed-term savings deposits with one-time and multiple payment options

  • Fixed-term savings deposits with one-time payment

    Fixed-term savings deposits with one-time payment

    You can make a fixed-term deposit in EUR and USD.

    Minimum amount of fixed-term savings deposit
    EUR 5.000,00 / USD 870,00 

    Deposit periods
    24 months for EUR and 12 to 36 months for USD. More about fixed-term savings deposits with a on-time payment

  • Fixed-term savings deposits with multiple payments

    Fixed-term savings deposits with multiple payments

    You can make a fixed-term deposit in currency USD.

    Minimum amount of initial payment: USD 450,00 

    Deposit periods
    12 to 36 months for USD.
    Each payment into a fixed-term savings deposit has its own interest rate, depending on the time left from the payment date until the deposit maturity date. More about fixed-term savings deposits with multiple payment.

  • Use of fixed-term savings deposit

    Use of fixed-term savings deposit

    Fixed-term savings are paid out on expiry of the agreed deposit term or on early termination of the Fixed-Term Deposit Agreement. They may be paid into a sight savings account in the savings currency. A fixed-term savings deposit may be used by the holder or a person authorized by the owner.

Did you know?

Even when you do not hold an account with RBA, but still use a loan, a credit card and savings products, you can, nevertheless, use our online services.
Contract On-line banking - mojaRBA mobile banking free of charge and use the online services without the monthly fee!
Provide for yourself a simple overview of the loan balance, of our term savings deposits, or of the a vista savings account. Monitor expenses made with your credit card (balance, movements, statements), divide your purchases into instalments and monitor your credit card balance at any moment. By contracting On-line banking (mojaRBA mobile banking) internet banking becomes immediately available to you and you access it via the mToken (integrated into the mojaRBA application), which automatically makes you an e-Građani/e-Citizen system user.   

Why opt for RBA

  • Use the RBA Full&Cool current account package

    Use the RBA Full&Cool current account package

    If a combination of flexibility and value sounds attractive, try out our RBA Full&Cool current account package. 

  • On-line banking (mojaRBA mobile banking)

    On-line banking (mojaRBA mobile banking)

    On-line banking (mojaRBA mobile banking), along with a range of banking services available in Internet banking, provides the ˝2 in 1˝ functionality by employing mToken - a completely safe solution for user authentication. This application provides numerous practical and useful functionalities! More

  • Zlatna RBICA rewards every time

    Zlatna RBICA rewards every time

    By arranging and using RBA credit card, you can join the Zlatna RBICA loyalty program completely free of charge. Spend the euro you have collected via Zlatna RBICA at the points of sale of our partners. More



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