Payment transactions

Payment transactions

Find out more

Terms of business

General terms and conditions for transaction accounts of business entities (535 KB)

Time schedule for execution of payment transactions (128 KB)

Extract from decision on service fees - business entities - from 1.7.2024. (394 KB)

Useful documents

New format of bulk payment order in electronic form - HUB 3 (153 KB)

New format for delivery of statements by electronic media - HUB 3 (122 KB)

Instruction on the contents and use of standardized payment orders HUB 3 and HUB 3A in payment transfers (59 KB)

External purpose codes list (58 KB)

IGP (intergroup payments) - list of banks (177 KB)

Order for foreign currency payments (17 KB)

Order for purchase or sale of foreign currency (58 KB)