Investments funds

Investments funds

Find out more

Your Needs


Learn about the possibilities of investing in the flexible and transparent environment of Raiffeisen investment funds and trust your assets to professionals.


  • Lower Expenses

    Lower Expenses

    Trading costs in investment funds are lower than those for individual investments because of higher quantities of instruments traded. Therefore, by savings in investment funds, your costs are lower.  

  • Availability


    Your assets are available to you because at request you can buy back your shares whenever you decide. Start your savings with minimum initial investments.

  • Legal Protection

    Legal Protection

    In order to protect investors, investment funds are subject to supervision of the HANFA and to strict rules and supervision of licences.

  • Transparency


    You have overview of all your investment information. Raiffeisen Invest d.o.o. regularly reports and publishes information on trends of the shares in the funds they manage.

  • Risks


    investing in investment funds carries particular risk, and, along with other information, this is presented in detail in the Prospectus and Rules of the funds.


Investing in investment funds brings with it also certain risks, which are presented in detail, along with other information, in the Prospect and the Rules of every individual fund.
Details on share values, risks and investment strategy are available on the Raiffeisen Invest web site (available in Croatian only).

More on Raiffeisen Investment Funds

  • Bond Funds
    • Bond funds invest in debt securities, or bonds that are characterized by lower share value oscillation (risk). Such funds aim at a stable growth of share value by investing in government and corporate bonds that yield a fixed interest. Find out more (available in Croatian only).


  • Special funds
    • Special funds invest in various asset classes according to pre-defined rules. Management strategies are oriented towards maintaining the value of the initial investment, along with realizing acceptable attractive yields. Find out more (available in Croatian only)

  • Equity funds
    • Equity funds invest primarily into shares with the goal of long-term higher yields. These are intended for investors who wish to achieve potentially higher returns compared to bond funds and who are prepared to accept higher share value oscillations long-term. Learn more (available in Croatian only)

  • Target Maturity Funds
    • Target Maturity funds, or Target Date funds, or Defined Maturity funds have a particular maturity date and represent the only investment solution that is suitable for various investors. That is, the fund's strategy changes by gradually replacing investments in higher-risk asset classes with investments in more conservative financial instruments with regard to the fund maturity to the effect of preserving the acquired assets and the earned capital. Learn more 

How to invest?


Study the Prospectus and Rules of the respective funds before choosing a fund in which you wish to invest. For any inquiries, professional assistance and realization of your investment, please contact us at any RBA retail branch of your convenience, or on the following telephone number:
Raiffeisen Invest – Direkcija prodaje i razvoja proizvoda
Tel: +385 1 6003 777

More information on investing in the investment funds is available on the site of Raiffeisen invest d.o.o. (available in Croatian only)


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