Fee Information Document and Glossary


In accordance with the Act on the Comparability of Fees Related to Payment Accounts, Payment Account Switching and Access to Basic Accounts (Official Gazette No.70/2017), that came into force as on 27 July 2017, and in accordance with the Decision on the most representative services linked to a payment account (Official Gazette No.42/2018), that came into force as on 17 May 2018, as of the day of 1 November 2018 the provisions of the Act regulating transparency and comparability of fees have been in force and effect.

Transparency and comparability of fees linked to a payment account


Transparency and comparability of fees is provided by way of:

- the Fee Information Document and Glossary,
- the Statement of Fees,
- the CNB website for comparing fees.

The Fee Information Document and Glossary are available on this web in Croatian language only (Korisne informacije-Primjenjiva regulativa-Informativni dokument o naknadama i Pojmovnik) and at the Bank's outlets. The Fee Information Document (FID) is a standardized document containing information of fees for any and all services included in the list of the most representative services linked to a payment account. The Glossary accompanying the Fee Information Document clarifies every individual term of the most representative services linked to a payment account.

Comparison of fees of the most representative services linked to a payment account, for all banks in RH, is available on the link of Croatian National Bank.



The most representative services

  • Maintaining the account
    • The account provider operates the account for use by the customer.

  • Online banking
    • The account provider allows the customer to use the services linked to the payment account via the Internet or a mobile application.

  • Credit transfer national in euro
    • The account provider transfers money, on the instruction of the customer, from the customer's account to another account, in euro.

  • Credit transfer abroad in euro
    • The account provider transfers money, on the instruction of the customer, from the customer's account to another account, outside the Republic of Croatia in euro.

  • Credit transfer abroad in a currency other than the euro
    • The account provider transfers money, on the instruction of the customer, from the customer's account to another account, outside the Republic of Croatia in a currency other than the euro.

  • Inflows from abroad
    • The account provider receives money by credit transfer from abroad to the customer's account in the Republic of Croatia.

  • Standing order
    • The account provider makes regular transfers, on the instruction of the customer, of a fixed amount of money from the customer's account to another account.

  • Direct debit
    • The customer permits someone else (recipient) to instruct the account provider to transfer money from the customer's account to that recipient. The account provider then transfers money to the recipient on a date or dates agreed by the customer and the recipient. The amount may vary.

  • Providing a credit card
    • The account provider provides a payment card linked to the customer's payment account. The total amount of the transactions made using the card during an agreed period is taken either in full or in part from the customer's payment account on an agreed date. A credit agreement between the provider and the customer determines whether interest will be charged to the customer for the borrowing.

  • Cash withdrawal using a debit card at the ATM
    • The customer takes cash out of the customer's account, at an ATM in the Republic of Croatia and abroad, using a debit card.

  • Cash withdrawal using a credit card at the ATM
    • The customer takes cash, at an ATM in the Republic of Croatia and abroad, using a credit card.

  • Overdraft
    • The account provider and the customer agree in advance that the customer may borrow money when there is no money left in the account. The agreement determines a maximum amount that can be borrowed, and whether fees and interest will be charged to the customer.


The Fee Information Document and Glossary are available in Croatian language only.