Exchange rates

exchange rate list No.: 146 | established as of: 26.07.2024 | applied as of: 27.07.2024

Currency Buy rate for currency Middle rate Sell rate for currency Buy rate for currency, cash, cheques and L/C Sell rate for currency, cash, cheques and L/C
USD 1,118400 1,086000 1,055100 1,123992 1,049825
CHF 0,987690 0,959400 0,930350 0,993616 0,923372
GBP 0,870660 0,843780 0,819010 0,875013 0,802630
AUD 1,702190 1,655900 1,610550 1,714105 1,592834
JPY 171,260000 167,840000 163,140000 172,544450 161,834880
AED 4,119600 3,991450 3,863300 0,000000 0,000000
BAM 2,011450 1,955830 1,900160 2,027730 1,876965
CAD 1,544535 1,500900 1,459775 1,553802 1,445177
CZK 26,058900 25,370000 24,624100 26,580078 24,008498
DKK 7,675450 7,462600 7,249350 7,744529 7,169607
HUF 401,920000 390,950000 378,700000 411,968000 359,007600
INR 93,736700 90,875150 88,013600 0,000000 0,000000
ISK 154,530000 149,900000 145,270000 0,000000 0,000000
NOK 12,214600 11,937000 11,611600 12,300102 11,507096
NZD 1,893200 1,843050 1,792900 0,000000 0,000000
PLN 4,401700 4,274000 4,139200 4,511743 3,890848
RSD 121,336700 117,071800 112,806900 0,000000 0,000000
SEK 12,033100 11,732500 11,398200 12,105299 11,307014
ATS 0,000000 13,760300 0,000000 13,760300 13,760300
BEF 0,000000 40,339900 0,000000 40,339900 40,339900
HRK 0,000000 7,534500 0,000000 7,534500 7,534500
DEM 0,000000 1,955830 0,000000 1,955830 1,955830
ESP 0,000000 166,386000 0,000000 166,386000 166,386000
FIM 0,000000 5,945730 0,000000 5,945730 5,945730
FRF 0,000000 6,559570 0,000000 6,559570 6,559570
GRD 0,000000 340,750000 0,000000 340,750000 340,750000
IEP 0,000000 0,787564 0,000000 0,787564 0,787564
ITL 0,000000 1.936,270000 0,000000 1.936,270000 1.936,270000
LUF 0,000000 40,339900 0,000000 40,339900 40,339900
NLG 0,000000 2,203710 0,000000 2,203710 2,203710
PTE 0,000000 200,482000 0,000000 200,482000 200,482000
SIT 0,000000 239,640000 0,000000 239,640000 239,640000
SKK 0,000000 30,126000 0,000000 30,126000 30,126000
TRY 36,823700 35,862500 34,901300 0,000000 0,000000
ZAR 20,439200 19,833500 19,227800 0,000000 0,000000
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