Contactless payment

Contactless payment

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You can pay in a second with much shorter waiting time!  The payment method is simple, just put your contactless Mastercard or Visa card on a contactless POS and the transaction is done, in a second!

For purchases of less than 40,00 EUR no PIN authorization required.

How do I pay with a contactless card?

  • Contactless card

    Contactless card

    Contactless cards and points of sale accepting them for contactless payments may be recognised by the following symbols:

    If a point of sale bears no such symbol, you can use your contactless card as a regular card by swiping or inserting in POS device, using PIN authorisation.

    Contactless payment is faster, safer and simpler:
    • the card never leaves your hands - all it takes is holding it against the POS device to make payments,
    no PIN authorisation is required for purchases under 40,00 EUR
    while any purchase above that amount needs to be authorised by PIN, 
    • a single purchase is charged only once even if the card is placed against the POS device several times,
    • there is no possibility of accidental payment because the card needs to physically touch the POS device,
    • if the point of sale has contactless POS device available, you can use the card in the usual way.