Borrowing limit
Your business needs
Get our short-term products quickly and easily!
If you often require short-term financing for your business, arranging a frame is the best solution for your company. Within an approved limit, you can use all short-term products in a year according to your needs - a transaction account overdraft, short-term loans, guarantees, etc.
A single limit for all your needs at a lower cost
With a single agreement, you can arrange security for several products which you may use within the approved limit.
Faster approval
Faster approval of individual requests for the use of products within the approved limit.
Terms suited to your needs
The use and maturity of individual products falling within the approved limit are fully adjusted to your needs.
More information
Terms and conditions
Frame is granted for a maximum period of one year, in euro, or in a foreign currency, and includes the use of several different credit options.
The limit depends on your needs and creditworthiness.
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