Credit Card Protection Insurance
There are various unpredictable situations that can jeopardize the financial stability of you and your family. UNIQA offers insurance packages for RBA credit and debit cards to help you minimize the consequences of such situations.
Debit and Credit Card User Insurance
Additional Benefit with All RBA Credit Cards
All MasterCard and Visa credit card users can contract an insurance package that covers:
• travel medical insurance for foreign travels
• compensation of in the event of long flight delays
• compensation of air passenger luggage-related costs in foreign travels
• insurance in case of death due to accident
• the package price is 13,27 EUR per year -
Kreditne kartice - osiguranje od nemogućnosti plaćanja duga na RBA kreditnoj kartici
UNIQA paket osiguranja nemogućnosti vraćanja duga po kreditnoj kartici pruža pokriće:
- u slučaju boravka u bolnici dužeg od 15 dana uslijed nesretnog slučaja,
- nastupa jedne od 11 teških bolesti i
- smrti.
Premija se obračunava mjesečno i iznosi 0,30% ukupne potrošnje po kartici na dan posljednjeg obračuna. Ako nemate dugovanja po kartici, niti nedospjelih rata, oslobođeni ste plaćanja premije osiguranja.
Uz UNIQA osiguranje korisnika kreditne RBA kartice, kompletno dugovanje po kartici, zajedno s nedospjelim ratama, bit će podmireno. -
Additional Benefit with All Personal RBA Debit Cards
The FlexiPLUS current account package users receive additional benefits:
FlexiSTART – insurance in case of death due to accident or illness
FlexiFIT – insurance in case of death due to accident
FlexiSENIOR – clients select a package covering additional health insurance
UNIQA insurance - service availability
UNIQA insurance is available to you from Monday to Friday 8am-6pm and Saturdays from 8am-1pm
You can find all information about UNIQA insurance products and services and how to report damages here.
,We remind you that you can check all the information about your insurance policies on the free portal for clients mojauniqa.
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