Raiffeisen Bank International

One of the leading banking groups in Central and Eastern Europe


Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) is part of the Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group in Austria (RBG), the largest and strongest banking group in the country in terms of balance sheet total. The RBG represents about a quarter of the Austrian banking market. With its 285 autonomous, local Raiffeisen banks, the RBG features the densest network of banks in the country with around 1,500 outlets. The RBG employs about 29,000 people in Austria.

The RBG has a three-tier structure comprising the autonomous, local Raiffeisen banks, the regional Raiffeisen banks at province level and RBI. The autonomous, local Raiffeisen banks are private cooperative institutions and owners of the regional Raiffeisen banks in their respective provinces, which in turn are the main shareholders of RBI.

1st tier: 285 autonomous and locally active Raiffeisen banks and their around 1,500 outlets, as well as regional Raiffeisen banks and specialised companies, form a comprehensive and extensive network of banks. The autonomous and locally active Raiffeisen banks are universal banks that offer banking services and are at the same time owners of their respective regional Raiffeisen bank.

2nd tier: The eight regional Raiffeisen banks (Raiffeisen Landesbanken and Raiffeisenverband) provide liquidity balancing and other central services for the autonomous and locally active Raiffeisen banks in their area of activity. Although clearly identified in the RBG’s organisational structure, their business operations are not restricted to specific geographic territories. The regional Raiffeisen banks are also independent universal banks and are core shareholders of RBI.

3rd tier: RBI is the central institution of the regional Raiffeisen banks as well as affiliated credit institutions and forms the third tier in this function, together with central service tasks.

Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) regards Austria, where it is a leading corporate and investment bank, as well as Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as its home market. In all, 12 markets of the region are covered by subsidiary banks. Additionally, the Group comprises numerous other financial service providers, for instance in the fields of leasing, asset management, as well as M&A.

Approximately 45,000 employees service 18.6 million customers through around 1,500 business outlets. RBI's shares have been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 2005.

RBI is one of Austria’s leading commercial and investment banks, its balance sheet total (post-merger) amounts to EUR 203 billion (as per 31 March 2024).

In March 2017, the merger of RZB and RBI took place. The combined institution operates under the name Raiffeisen Bank International AG, as previously the case for RBI, and RBI’s shares will continue to be listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange. RBI took over all rights, obligations and duties of the transferring company RZB.

One of the largest banking groups in CEE
RBI was already active in CEE even before the process of political transition started in the region and the “Iron Curtain” fell: already back in 1986, its first CEE subsidiary bank was founded in Hungary. Therefore, the bank looks back on 30 years of experience in the region’s banking business.

Niche player on the international markets
To support its business activities, RBI operates through representative offices, as well as service branches at selected Asian and Western European locations.

The Raiffeisen trademark is the gable cross. It consists of two stylised, crossed horse heads, symbolising protection against any external danger or evil, and can still be found on rural houses in Central Europe. The existence of the gable cross is linked to European folk traditions dating back several centuries. The gable cross was chosen as a trademark already in 1877, when Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, the founder and mentor of the Raiffeisen corporate movement, was still alive. The gable cross has become an internationally recognisable symbol carrying very positive connotations that represent RZB worldwide.

More information is available on the website of Raiffeisen Bank International AG