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Card acceptance at online points of sale in a secure environment!

E-commerce for Mastercard  and Visa card acceptance according to the highest international security standards.

Merchant portal for card accepting businesses

Contract the free MePo internet application for fast and easy access to your business data and transactions.
The MePo Portal used by merchants allows: autonomous review of transactions and statistics, sales venue information display (basic data, list of and additional info on branches and terminals), list and display of transaction data, report generating and data export as well as exchange of messages between the user merchant and the bank.
The MePo portal can be contracted by all clients by the MePo form - simple, safe and no additional costs.
For more information and user support regarding the Merchant portal, have a look at the User Manual.  


  • Security


    Payment security for entrepreneurs and transaction security for the customer!

    Safe online shopping guaranteed by 3D security standard.

  • Lower operating expenses

    Lower operating expenses

    The merchant is released of usual investments and expenses otherwise required by a physical shop. 

  • Higher sales revenue

    Higher sales revenue

    Business availability 24 hours, as well as broader sales and greater security creates more sales revenue!

e-ToMiTreba!! (e-That'sWhatINeed!!) online commerce

  • Who is this service for?

    Who is this service for?

    This service is intended for legal entities adn craftsmen, and enables card acceptance in a secure environment at online points of sale. In addition to exceptional collection security for enterprises and transaction security for customers, the service offers the best value for money. 

  • Why choose e-ToMiTreba?

    Why choose e-ToMiTreba?

    ► RBA is certified bank for card acceptance at online points of sale. 
    ► We guarantee the security of online purchases through the use of 3D security standards laid down by Visa Europe (Verified by Visa) and Mastercard Worldwide (Mastercard Secure Code). 
    ► e-ToMiTreba!! uses SSL encryption with a 2048 bit key.
    ► Customisation of the merchant's / service provider's website is very simple.
    ► The e-commerce service is agreed only with the Bank, without involving a third party.


  • What are the prerequisites for the acceptance of cards as online method of payment?

    What are the prerequisites for the acceptance of cards as online method of payment?

    ► Card acceptance agreement for online payments concluded with RBA.
    ► Adjustment of the merchant's / service provider's website according to Bank specifications.
    ► Successfully completed testing of adjustments made in cooperation with the Bank.