Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
As the business strategy of the future, corporate social responsibility is based on the well-being of the community rather than just on financial success. We consider it our duty to use our human and material resources not only for our own success, but also for the benefit and progress of society, and for improvement in the quality of life in our community, as it determines our success and growth. It is our duty to make our employees, customers and fellow citizens satisfied, and the needs of society are considered an opportunity to support the projects whose values we share. Being socially responsible means integrating the values of employees into company values, enabling them to work for the benefit of the society they live in. Doing business along the lines of social responsibility requires the reinforcement of company values and alignment of business strategies with socially beneficial activities. The ideal of social responsibility is to improve the community by doing business, and to design business models that provide the greatest possible benefit to employees, shareholders and the environment.