EMEA Finance: RBI is “Best bank in CEE & CIS“


Remarkable 26 accolades were presented to the RBI Group in EMEA Finance’s “Europe Banking Awards 2018” program. 


Remarkable 26 accolades were presented to the RBI Group in EMEA Finance’s “Europe Banking Awards 2018” program. The renowned finance magazine named RBI as the “Best bank in CEE & CIS”. It also decorated RBI’s Slovak subsidiary Tatra banka as the “Most innovative bank in CEE & CIS”.

Furthermore, EMEA Finance selected RBI and its subsidiary banks as “Best bank” in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine, and as “Best foreign bank” in Albania, Belarus and Russia. The bank’s investment banking activities were recognized as well with the “Best investment bank” awarded in Austria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic and Romania.

Wrapping up this impressive award tally, the firm’s capabilities in wealth management were recognized for the whole region (“Best private bank in CEE & CIS”) and for three countries with the “Best private bank” award in Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia, as well as the “Best asset manager” in Bulgaria and Slovakia.

“RBI is EMEA Finance’s Best Bank in the CEE and CIS region. The bank exuberantly delivered the best results in its history in 2018”, said Christopher Moore, publisher and CEO, EMEA Finance magazine. “What’s particularly impressive is the manner in which the bank is operating, where the individual subsidiaries are innovating according to their own local environment, formulating and implementing specific local market strategies, while at the same time leveraging what can be termed the ‘best of best’ from across the network. It seems that the bank can apply uniform practice in key areas without stymieing creativity and innovation at country level.”

EMEA Finance magazine is the only periodical dedicated exclusively to report financial events, happenings and triumphs initiated and influenced by the international financial industry in the EMEA region. The key financial personalities who make things happen are regularly profiled, creating a platform for its audience to gain a more complete and thorough understanding of their peers and industry news. The magazine is directed to an executive level audience that includes Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers and Chief Investment Officers.

EMEA Finance Limited produces a premier magazine, related conferences, and a website. These comprehensive information services are complemented by its regular news e-mail service, emeafinance eNews, and from conferences across the EMEA region.

Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) regards Austria, where it is a leading corporate and investment bank, as well as Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as its home market. 13 markets of the region are covered by subsidiary banks. Additionally, the RBI Group comprises numerous other financial service providers, for instance in leasing, asset management or M&A.

Around 47,000 employees service 16.3 million customers through more than 2,100 business outlets, the by far largest part thereof in CEE. RBI's shares are listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange. The Austrian Regional Raiffeisen Banks own around 58.8 per cent of the shares, the remainder is in free float. Within the Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group, RBI is the central institute of the Regional Raiffeisen Banks and other affiliated credit institutions.

For further information please contact:

Ingrid Krenn-Ditz (+43-1-71 707-6055, ingrid.krenn-ditz@rbinternational.com) or
Christof Danz (+43-1-71 707-1930, christof.danz@rbinternational.com)