

SAD: aktivnosti u građevinarstvu i dalje pod utjecajem visokih kamatnih stopa

Započete gradnje stambenih objekata u SAD-u zabilježile su rast u kolovozu na mjesečnoj razini za snažnih 9,6%, snažniji od procjene tržišnog konsenzusa (6,5%).


Fed iznenadio snižavanjem kamatnih stopa za 50bb

Fed je jučer iznenadio tržišne dionike odlukom da agresivnije započne ciklus snižavanja kamatnih stopa te time da poticaj tržištu rada.

Raiffeisen news


For future use of mojaRBA, upgrading the mobile device operating system is mandatory

In case your Android device has an operating system version lower than v8.0 or an iOS device runs an operating system version lower than v15.0, an operating system update is required.


Check which version of the operating system you are running on your mobile device

In case your mobile phone is not set to automatic update, simply update the operating system yourself and enable safer and more advanced use of mojaRBA and other applications.

Exchange rates


Buy rate for currency

1  EUR =  1,143400 USD
1  EUR =  0,972930 CHF
1  EUR =  0,866550 GBP
1  EUR =  1,683470 AUD
1  EUR =  163,290000 JPY

Sell rate for currency

1  EUR =  1,080100 USD
1  EUR =  0,915570 CHF
1  EUR =  0,814920 GBP
1  EUR =  1,591810 AUD
1  EUR =  155,180000 JPY