step to the sunny side of your business: Financing of solar power systems
Let's join our forces to tread the path of sustainable business. Replace the traditional systems for generating electricity with the one acceptable for the future, the solar power system, with the support of our investment loan with favourable conditions.
High Solar Energy Potential of Croatia
The geographical position of Croatia provides the country with high average annual sunshine, which makes it a European country with the highest solar power potential.
Additional Source of Income After Loan Repayment
All energy that your solar power system generates after the loan is repaid is “free”, clean and eco-friendly for you. Any surplus of the generated energy can be sold to the power supply system of our country.
Investing in Future Independence
Investing in a solar power system protects you from any potential future electricity price rise. The constituent parts of a solar power system come with a warranty of up to 25 years. After the warranted 25 years, your solar power system will continue to generate electricity in a somewhat lower volume, but its lifespan can be also over 30 years.
Your Contribution to Our Planet’s Sustainability
During its lifespan, one average 5 kW solar power system reduces CO2 emissions that is equivalent to planting 180 trees.