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Cash Management

More efficient liquidity management and cost: Cash Management

If you want to consolidate your finances and from the central place mange liquidity of yours subsidiaries regardless of their seat - then we have a special payment services, created for you.

More efficient liquidity mangement

Centralization of Treasury

Dynamic business

Single point of access to all your accounts

Cost rational business

Using the benefits of group cohesion

Our services - support your business

Cash Management International

Cash Management International (CMI)

A service that enables centralization of treasury operations on the level of the entire group. A single point of access to all accounts gives you the possibility to initiate payment orders from one place and to receive statements for all accounts held with the Raiffeisen Group and partner banks. Software-base (CMI) and web application  (CMI@WEB) are at your disposal.

Notional Pooling

Notional Pooling (NP)

A service that enables additional monthly interests to be approved to related customers of the Raiffeisen Group based on total balance of deposits which they keep on their local accounts. The funds remain on accounts and at your disposal, which means that there is no real (physical) transfer of funds when using this service.

Poslovanje putem SWIFT mreže

The operations via SWIFT

No matter where your home bank and/or Treasury is located abroad, we offer you the possibility of delivering an Account Statement to your foreign bank in accordance with your instructions. We will also execute payment orders received via SWIFT in line with your instructions.

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