Hedge you exchange and interest rate exposure!: Treasury operations
By using derivative instruments, you can hedge market risks your business is exposed to. Our team of professionals with long-standing experience provides its customers with all requisite information on products available, as well as tailor-made solutions for complex hedging structures.
Reduced exposure to market risks
Transform market risks into measurable variables
Efficient cash flow management
Hedge against exchange rate or market interest rate fluctuations
Individual approach
We offer solutions tailored to your needs

Use R-Flex service for fast and simple foreign currency trading. Access to the foreign exchange market is now also available through the Internet banking service.
FX spot transactions
FX spot is a transaction involving an exchange of one currency for another with the exchange rate fixed today and delivery within two business days.
Contact our sales department directly
Working hours for confirming same day value date foreign currency conversions are from 8 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. every business day.
Working hours for confirming foreign currency conversions with value date one or two business days after today are from 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. every business day.
Exchange rate hedging instruments
Interest rate hedging instruments
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