We support your projects: Project financing
Your company has big plans and business ideas from which you expect considerable revenue and business growth in the uture. But right now your financing options are limited by a shotage of assets and business activities? Project financing designed precisely around your project dynamics is the right solution for you. Loan repayment is tied to the financed assets and the expected money flow from the projct, as well as to the value of the insurance coverage of project assets.
Individual approach
Working together with you, we will find an optimal solution to finance your project
Flexible terms suited to your needs
Utilisation of disbursement and repayment are adjusted to the terms and structure of your project

Poduzeće ste s velikim planovima i poslovnim idejama od kojih u budućnosti očekujete značajne prihode i rast vašeg poslovanja, ali su vam u ovom trenutku zbog manjka imovine i poslovnih aktivnosti ograničene mogućnosti financiranja?
Rješenje za vas je projektno financiranje koje se temelji upravo na realizaciji vašeg projekta. Otplata kredita veže se uz financiranu imovinu i očekivani projektni tijek novca te vrijednost osiguranja projektne imovine.