Instrumenti osiguranja, naplate potraživanja i podmirenja obveza u domaćem i međunarodnom poslovanju: Documentary business
Poslujete na domaćem i inozemnom tržištu i želite kvalitetnu poslovnu suradnju s vašim partnerima?
Ugovaranje instrumenata dokumentarnog poslovanja omogućuje vam efikasnije planiranje novčanog toka i pruža dodatnu sigurnost u naplati i plaćanju izvršenih poslova.
Minimize your risks
In case you are not sure that payment will be made as agreed, or you are making tenders or entering into advance payment agreements, consider one of our trade finance products.
Rely on our advisory services and professional support
Our team with long-standing experience in trade finance provides professional support and extensive know-how for all your needs.
International banking group
As a member of the Raiffeisen Bank International Group, we cooperate with a wide network of correspondent banks.
Proizvodi dokumentarnog poslovanja
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Korisni dokumenti
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Ostale važeće dokumente potražite na linku:
Useful documents
Find useful contracting documents and useful information.
Find other valid documents at the link: