A card that goes along with your business needs: Business Mastercard credit card
Keep your Mastercard Business credit card always handy! Business transactions, travel, entertainment – everything is available with your own most widely accepted card in the world to be used at more than 32 million card-accepting locations!
Flexible repayment period
Interest-free payment deferral of up to 50 days! Possibility of repaying no more than the minimum amount, or 3% of the charges incurred
Choice of due date
Choose the payment date – at the beginning or at the end of the month
Choice of payment method
Direct debit order or transfer to the Bank’s account via Internet banking or at Bank's branches
Contactless payment transactions
Just hold your card against a POS device and the transaction is completed! No waiting
Secure online purchases
Secure online purchases using RBA cards are ensured by highest security standards – Mastercard SecureCode
Accessibility of cash
Cash withdrawals are available at more than 600 RBA ATMs in Croatia and more than a million ATMs around the world
Additional benefit: UNIQA travel health insurance
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